
Ega Prawiranegara
2 min readOct 22, 2021

Every single one of us has our own living. And from every part of living there is hope and goals. But to be able to reach those goals or to make your hope become reality is not really that easy.

Maybe not every single one of us has figured out what our goal is and how to achieve that before we die. Sometimes in the middle of the night while sipping ice coffee that its ice started to melt and it becomes even more tasteless we got lost in our thought and start to overthink something that does not need to even think about. Well, honestly it is very normal that humans tend to worry about their future ahead because we cannot predict what’s gonna happen in every second of our day. Remember 2020 when this pandemic came out of nowhere and ruin our plan in those years.

It is alright to be angry. Angry because there is so much thing that taken away from us such as time, your loved ones or even our families. And we have to rack our brain to back at square one. Your life that already has been hard become so much more harder because of it as well.

Not figuring out everything in your life doesn’t mean a bad thing. As a human beings, we need to believe that we have our own values and that is a really important thing to remind. Worrying and overthinking about our future also doesn’t mean a bad thing. It means that we are fully aware of our life ahead and keep trying to make every breath that we breathe have meaning.

There is no one denying that reality is a cruel life to be lived in. The world seems coldly uncaring to our woes. But the first step to acknowledging the reality of life is to step aside from ever more present temptation of running away from the fact of being alive by drowning ourselves in escapism.

I remembered watching Disney's Soul, Mr. joe gardner says “I don’t know what I’m going to do with my life. But I do know I’m going to live every minute of it.”

To everyone out there that feels lost or doesn’t know about their goals in their life, it’s okay to not be okay — But always remember that we always have values in ourselves, also we have to try to live in the moment.

When we distract ourselves, we are getting rid of the pain — but also the blessings.

I hope everyone that reads this story has a blast in their life and is always surrounded by all the good things in the world.

sincerely, ega.

